The Lord's Prayer in Gothic
with English and German word-by-word translation
Atta unsar, țu in himinam,
Father ours, you in heaven (English)
Vater unser, Du im Himmel (German)
weihnai namo țein,
hallowed name yours
geweiht Name Dein
qimai țiudinassus țeins,
come kingdom yours
komme Koenigreich Deins
wairțai wilja țeins,
be done will your
werde Wille Dein
swe in himina jah ana airțai.
as in heaven so on earth
im Himmel wie auf Erden
Hlaif unsarana țana sinteinan gif uns himma daga,
Bread ours the daily give us today
Leib (Brot) unser das taegliche gib uns immer Tage
jah aflet uns țatei skulans sijaima,
and forgive us our debt
und vergib uns unsere Schuld
swaswe jah weis afletam țaim skulam unsaraim,
as we forgive those debtors ours
wie auch wir vergeben den Schuldigern unseren
jah ni briggais uns in fraistubnjai,
and not bring us into temptation
und nicht bringe uns in Versuchung
ak lausei uns af țamma ubilin.
but loosen us of the Evil
sondern erloese uns von dem Uebel
unte țeine is țiudangardi
yours is the kingdom
jah mahts jah wulțus in aiwins
and the power and the glory forever
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